Congress has introduced a bill to change the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). The bill (H.R.620 – ADA Education and Reform Act of 2017) is opposed by disability advocates because it shifts the burden of monitoring compliance to people with disabilities.
The bill would require a very specific written notice from an individual to a business about a barrier to access they have encountered and what sections of the ADA it violates. It would allow 60 days for a business to reply with a plan, and 120 days more to remove the barrier or make substantial progress toward removing the barrier. No civil action could be filed until after all of these steps and time periods.
The ADA has been in effect for nearly 27 years, so businesses should not at this point require special notifications and extra time to comply.
Contact your representative in Congress to tell them what you think about H.R.620 – ADA Education and Reform Act of 2017.
Read more about the proposal here: