Please share. All are welcome. Free event.
The Western Pennsylvania Disability History and Action Consortium, in collaboration with the Senator John Heinz History Center, will host a symposium “We Count: Pennsylvanians with Disabilities and the Right to Vote” on Thursday, October 10, 1 to 4 pm, at the Heinz History Center, 1212 Smallman Street, in the Strip District.
National Speakers:
Maria Town, president of the American Association Of People with Disabilities (AAPD), a Washington-D.C.-based organization that sponsors the non-partisan REV UP (Register! Educate! Vote! Use your Power!) campaign.
Gregg Beratan, one of the founders of the #CripTheVote hashtag, a social media project that encourages engagement of people with disabilities in local, state and national elections. #CripTheVote is part of the Disability Visibility project, an online community.
Paul O’Hanlon and Paul Freund will highlight the important role Western Pennsylvania important role played in Pennsylvania’s efforts to increase voter registration and turnout, remove accessibility barriers, and implement solutions that support civic engagement.
In addition, there will be panels to discuss present-day access issues and current trends and support for voters.
Through the support of the Edith L. Trees Charitable Trust, Senator John Heinz History Center, and Disability Rights Pennsylvania’s Disability Voting Coalition, the ‘We Count” event is free and open to the public.
Registration is open now! For further information, contact Mary Hartley at