The Western Pennsylvania Disability HIstory and Action Consortium is a co-sponsor of this year’s Week Without Driving initiative. If you have any questions about the Allegheny County-based initiative, please visit the Week Without Driving PGH website. The Week Without Driving was developed by disability advocates in Washington state and is now a national initiative, led by America Walks and the National Campaign for Transit Justice.
![Week without driving Pittsburgh, September 30 through October 6, take the pledge, call for change](
Whether we live in suburban towns or city neighborhoods, everyone in Allegheny County deserves safe, reliable, dignified access to the places we need to go. Across the county, 30% of our friends and neighbors don’t drive a car.
The Week Without Driving is a nationwide movement to link the needs of individuals with disabilities and people of all ages with environmental movements and accessible community planning. Together, we will illustrate challenges and opportunities for non-drivers and call for change that improves mobility for all.
Join us in pledging to take a Week Without Driving PGH. You can participate as an individual, organization, or elected official. Find out more and get involved at the Week WIthout Driving PGH website: